About Us
Our aim is to share the message across Tasmania, to give hope and encouragement in our troubled world.
Meet the Team
What We Do
Giving time, talents, and resources to bless and help others.
Our church is a safe space, and we want to keep it that way. Learn more about AdSafe today, and how you can help us protect the vulnerable persons in our community.
In our conference, there are many different ways you can study God's word. With one-on-one, small groups, and Sabbath School. Get in touch today, we would love to hear from you!
Want to get involved in sharing God's word with others? Good news... there are so many different ways you can be involved. Come and see what you can do today to help further the Kingdom of God!
Struggling with your health? Why not try a Biblical approach? Have a look into the what the Bible says about health and learn the secrets for why Adventists, on average, live longer...
ADRA works at the front line in the fight against poverty, homelessness, and the destruction from natural disasters. Learn how you can help ADRA keep fighting the good fight.
Building your life with God is not something you should do alone. Why not check out the different ministries we have available, one just might work for you.
Learn how to use the eGiving App and the eGiving website when it comes to giving offering.
‘Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.’ -2 Corinthians 9:7 (NIV)
What is Trust Services? The Tasmanian Conference provides a Will service to its members through the Trust Services…
Keen to see what's happening in the Youth Department? Check out events and let us help you find a youth group near you!
What's Happening
Our island-state is home to thirteen Seventh-day Adventist Churches. Find the location nearest you.
Calendars, events, sermons, stories and past newsletters.
It’s Who You Know Presentations
32 Resources
56 Resources
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Bible Study
One on One
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Literature Evangelism
Faith FM Tas
Health Programs
Humanitarian (ADRA)
Personal Ministries
Children’s Ministries
Family ministries
Men’s Ministries
Women’s ministries
Stewardship (Giving)
Trust Services
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Hobart & Southern Region
Launceston & Northern Region
Northwest Region
ADRA Shops
TASDA Newsletters
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Find your purpose in Christ, serve your church and community in different ways. Live life abundantly.
We have 13 churches. Locate one near you.
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